Events Near You!
Brothers: We hear you. It’d be nice to have more local events near you. That way, you won’t have to drag your family all the way back to Granville to enjoy some time with your brothers. Don’t want to take our word for it? Read yours.
But let us let you in on a little secret: there is no man behind the curtain, brothers. There is no magical person who will drift down from above and coordinate the perfect reunion. There is no employee in a back room somewhere at Denison who’s going to organize a happy hour for alums in your city. There is no one pulling the strings at the Kappa Sigma national office. It’s just us. You and me. The members.
So: there aren’t enough local events that offer the opportunity to reconnect with our brothers. What are WE going to do about it? Can we create a flourishing alumni event schedule? Who among us will rise to the occasion?
We need you, brothers, to contribute your time and talent to solve this. Want to host a casual alumni mixer in your city? Find brothers in the directory and start organizing. Or maybe you do want to attend a big reunion back at the house in Granville? Contact us on the alumni board and volunteer to head up a committee to organize the event. There is no man behind the curtain, brothers. There is only us.
So start organizing! Together we can build the alumni relations programs we deserve.