Overview of Events

Gamma-Xi Chapter: Investigation of Allegations of Hazing

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Current Executive Committee:

Grand Master: Kevin Naud

Grand Procurator: Alex Wood

Grand Master of Ceremonies: James Held

Grand Treasurer: Hunter Hughes

Grand Scribe: Grant Veltman

Pledge Educator: Ryan Reynolds


Tyler Grasser

Charlie Pickhardt

Charlie Vinopal

Andrew Shaw

John Hayes

Oliver Hamilton

Zane Osler

Javin Proefock

Associate Dean of Student and Director: Greg Phlegar

Associate Dean: Aimee Maszko


Facts and Timeline

Early in the morning of Saturday, February 23, Denison Security allegedly smelled marijuana smoke coming from Brother Matthew Koester’s dorm room and asked to search the room. Brother Koester initially denied the request to search the room, however relented after campus security threatened to involve the police. During the investigation campus security found a notebook containing explicit hazing activity including physical, mental and alcohol abuse. Upon finding the notebook, campus security asked Brother Koester if he was in a fraternity. At first Brother Koester did not release his affiliation; however, again after additional pressure Brother Koester admitted he was a Kappa Sigma. Upon learning Brother Koester was a part of a Fraternity, Campus Security immediately confiscated the notebook. Furthermore, Campus security discovered and confiscated marijuana.


On the afternoon of Tuesday, February 26, the Gamma-Xi pledges were contacted by campus security at 4:50pm to appear for questioning at 5:00pm. The pledges were questioned individually and asked specific questions pertaining to hazing including if they had every been asked to do push-up, carry objects with them at all times or been forced to have “sleepovers”.


On Wednesday, February 27, current GM Kevin Naud received notification from Greg Phlegar, Associate Dean of Students and Director, outlining the charges brought against the chapter and its suspension effective “Thursday, February 27, 2013” [Typo]. At 5:00 pm access to the Kappa Sigma Chapter house was restricted by the university. A few minutes later Brother Shaun Whites, yet unaware of the situation, attempted to enter the Chapter house. When could not gain access he contacted campus security to request entry, but was denied and referred to Amiee Maszko, Associate Dean. When Amiee was unavailable, Brother Whites entered the building through another access point, setting off alarms, to retrieve notebooks and suits he and other brothers needed for an internship event in Chicago the next day. Brother Whites waited for campus security the show up and Brother Whites explained the situation. At 7:00 pm the general fraternity was notified by the university. Later that night, there were two more reported break-ins at the chapter house, but the identities of the intruders have not been discovered.


On Thursday, February 28, Elliot Palmer, Alumni Advisor, and Dave Horning, Housing Corp. President and assistant alumni advisor, met with the Executive Committee and pledge educator to receive their testimony pertaining to the events in question. Later in the evening, each pledge was interviewed individually at the Buxton Inn in Granville.


On Friday, March 1, GM Kevin Naud received a second email from Dean Phlegar containing charges due to the break-ins above.


On Sunday, March 3, Brother Matthew Koester was interviewed to receive his testimony due to the events.



The brothers of the executive committee explicitly denied any involvement in the development of the activities contained in the notebook or having any prior knowledge of it. Furthermore, they denied any acts of hazing and were shocked when they heard the contents. They were fully compliant and I found no reason to believe they were hiding anything. The brothers also relayed the break-in of Brother Whites, however had no knowledge of the break-ins later in the night. All of the brothers spoke very highly of Brother Koester and were surprised that he would write down the ideas found in the notebook.


The Pledge Educator, Ryan Reynolds, also denied any knowledge of the contents of the notebook or discussing them with Brother Koester. Brother Reynolds denied any involvement in hazing activities and furthermore spoke of taking the pledges to see a sick brother in the hospital and getting them involved in the chapter’s recent squash tournament to raise money for Military Heroes.


In the interviews with the pledges, they denied ever feeling uncomfortable or being hazed. They spoke of pledge meetings as getting to know the brothers and learning the Bononia Docet. Many were confused during the university questioning and unsure of the reasons for the inquiry. Pledges denied ever be required to sleepover, carry specific items at all times, or perform physical activities on command.


Brother Koester admitted to writing the contents of the notebook and explained that he wrote them down in his excitement following the successful rush. He explained that they were ideas that he had heard from friends at chapter at other universities. He said he had not discussed them with other brothers and has not been involved in the pledging process to a large extent. He also denied that he is aware that any of the contents of the notebook have been acted upon or communicated to any of the pledges. Brother Koester expressed his apologies and understands that these ideas are inappropriate and dangerous.


Opinion and Recommendation

Hazing Charge

From what I have gathered from speaking with the parties involved, it sounds as if Brother Koester acted alone and not as a part of a systemic hazing process. He, like many young members, heard stories that glorify and desensitize to the dangers and realities of hazing. He wrote down these ideas without considering the gravity hazing carries with it. I found no evidence of any acts of hazing by the brothers of the Fraternity. I believe we are fortunate that this has been uncovered before it could have spread to the general fraternity and acted upon. I see this as an opportunity for us to re-evaluate our hazing education with the brothers of Gamma-Xi and refresh our approach to ensure that no brother in the chapter is willing to tolerate hazing.


Entering Chapter House after Suspension

The only confirmed violation by a Kappa Sigma was by Brother Shaun Whites. Brother Whites waited for security to arrive after entering the chapter house to take responsibility and explain the situation. Brother Whites should have considered the position he was putting the chapter in however, it is an individual issue that should be dealt with by the Chapter and University as such.


It should be noted, that the Brothers have had issues with other chapters entering the house and attempting to steal ritual equipment this semester.


Drug Use

Brother Koester was forthcoming in admitting his marijuana possession on the night of the incident. Again, this is an individual issue that I believe the chapter will take leadership on addressing. No other brothers were present with Brother Koester the night of the incident and I find no evidence that this should be investigated as a chapter issue.

In speaking with the brothers of the EC, they have decided to take leadership and recommend the following actions to be taken:


1. The chapter will submit charges once chapter operations are restored. I request that Brother Koester be placed on WGP Suspension pending the chapter’s charges.

2. The chapter with hold an anti-hazing workshop which I will oversee.


3. The chapter and alumni advisors will re-evaluate Gamma-Xi’s pledge education program to ensure that hazing is appropriately being addressed.


In conclusion, I am confident that the Gamma-Xi brothers will learn a valuable lesson taking accountability and leadership in addressing the violations and am hopeful that we can partner with the university to resolve this quickly and appropriately.


Elliot Palmer

Gamma-Xi Alumni Advisor

Alpha-Sigma ‘08


February 27, 2013

Kappa Sigma c/o Kevin Naud, President Gamma Xi Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity [email protected]

RE: Notice of Charges / Alleged Violation of the Code of Student Conduct


Dear Kevin:

The Office of Student Conduct & Campus Values received a report concerning alleged behavior by members of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity that may violate our Code of Student Conduct:

According to the report, Garret Moore, Director of Security, received a notebook that was confiscated during another investigation; the notebook contained information indicating likely hazing activity by Chapter members. The notebook contained nothing beyond fraternity information (i.e. names of pledges) and information related to pledging and describing hazing activities. One page references “culmination pledging” and identifies pledging types including game, riddle/choice, task, physical,and alcohol pledging. It further brackets these types by mental genre andtypical (which brackets task, physical, and alcohol). The notebook also contains what appears to be an agenda for “Night 1”, which describes meeting times, places, and activities/expectations. In addition, the notebook contained a lengthy list of words that appear to correlate to activites that would constitute hazing, including but not limited to: trips/scavenger hunts, sleepovers, “PC case race”, “injest bad food, liquid”, “handles”, “pushup punishment”, “waterboard”, “track laps”, “closet with strobe”, “wall sits w/ ice”, “containment”, and “drinking in senior apt-2 cases, know brother”, among other activities. Nine pledges were interviewed by Campus Security on February 26, 2013. Security reported their sense that pledges had been coached on responses. They received mixed information regarding the name of the pledge educator. Information about pledge activities was only vague, although two pledges confirmed requirements they have bandannas and engage in “sleepovers”, although locations were not disclosed.


Based on this information, these behaviors violate the following expectations from our Student Code:

Please see the section titled “Expectations for Students” in the Student Code for a full description of the this expectation, as well as poliices related to fraternity and sorority life, and general organization requirements, in the Campus Organization Handbook. Due to the reports and evidence of hazing and suspected violations of the Code of Student Conduct by members of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Denison University is placing your organization onSuspension, pending investigation, effective Thursday, February 27, 2013. Suspension pending investigation includes but is not limited to:

 Immediate removal as a recognized and registered campus organization at Denison.

 Immediate removal from OrgSync and any lists, publications, etc. that recognize Kappa Sigma as a part of Denison.

 Immediate removal from the Denison Interfraternity Council. If any members hold office within this organization, those positions must be immediately vacated.

 Loss of all campus privileges as an organization or Greek organization at Denison. This includes, but is not limited to: participation in events or fairs, rental or reservation of space or vehicles, posting publically on campus, and/or gathering as an organization.

 Forfeiture of any DCGA allocated funds.


Additionally, Denison University is pursuing the following at this time:

Organizational investigation of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity.

 Referral to local, regional, and national headquarters.


A conduct meeting and/or hearing with the university will be required to resolve this matter. The Office of Student Conduct & Campus Values will communicate with you again regarding a scheduled meeting when the investigation is more fully complete and the process is ready to move forward. Please refer to the Student Code for information about conduct meetings and hearings. If you have any initial questions regarding this letter or our conduct process, please contact me.



Greg Phlegar Associate Dean of Students and Director (740)587-6765 [email protected] 7


March 01, 2013

Kappa Sigma c/o Kevin Naud, President Gamma Xi Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity [email protected]


RE: Notice of Charges / Alleged Violation of the Code of Student Conduct

Dear Kevin:

The Office of Student Conduct & Campus Values received another report concerning alleged behavior by members of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity that may violate our Code of Student Conduct:


According to the report, members of the Chapter requested access to the Kappa Sigma lodge space on February 27, 2013 around 5:00 PM. After consulting with Natalie Pariano about the request, security communicated that access was denied as a result of the current Suspension Pending Investigation status that was communicated by both Denison and Kappa Sigma Fraternity Headquarters. Only minutes later, intruder alarms were reported in the space, and one or more of the individuals who had requested access were observed to have gained entry. The space was previously secure. That same evening, two additional intruder alarms were activated (at 8:50PM and 10:06PM) as unknown persons attempted to gain entry through secure windows causing damage. It is believed members were again attempting access in violation of university and Chapter directives.


Based on this information, these behaviors violate the following expectations from our Student Code:


Code of Student Conduct/General Safety/Compliance – Students are expected to comply with the authorized directions of university officials (including Security staff, campus administrators, and Residential Education personnel), law enforcement officers, and fire fiighters who are acting in performance of their duties. Students are expected to present their Denison ID card to officials when requested to do so.


Code of Student Conduct/General Safety/Unauthorized Entry – Students will not enter other students’ living spaces without permission or appropriate authorization, nor will they access or use university spaces without authorization. This includes entering or using public bathrooms of the opposite gender. Student access to building roofs, ledges, and/or fire escapes is prohibited.


Code of Student Conduct/Damage – Students will not attempt or cause actual damage to, or misuse, any property at the university. This includes both public and personal property. Nothing may be posted on trees, light fixtures, life-safety equipment, fire doors or on othe rdoors or windows. Students are expected to place trash in appropriate receptacles.

Please see the section titled “Expectations for Students” in the Student Code for a full description of the these expectations, as well as poliices related to fraternity and sorority life, and general organization requirements, in the Campus Organization Handbook. This report shall be coupled with the current matter that is pending. The current Suspension Pending Investigation status remains in effect. The details of that suspension were outlined in your previous letter. Denison University is also pursuing the following at this time:

 Organizational investigation of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity.

 Referral to local, regional, and national headquarters.


A conduct meeting and/or hearing with the university will be required to resolve this matter. The Office of Student Conduct & Campus Values will communicate with you again regarding a scheduled meeting when the investigation is more fully complete and the process is ready to move forward. Please refer to the Student Code for information about conduct meetings and hearings. If you have any initial questions regarding this letter or our conduct process, please contact me.


Respectfully, Greg Phlegar Associate Dean of Students and Director


[email protected]
