Letter from Kappa Sigma Supreme Executive Committee



TO: Kevin J. Naud, Grand Master, Gamma-Xi, Denison University, Alex R. Wood, Grand Procurator, James H. Held Jr., Grand Master of Ceremonies, Grant A. Veltman, Grand Scribe, Hunter T. Hughes, Grand Treasurer

FROM: Mitchell B. Wilson, Executive Director

DATE: April29,2OI3

RE: Sanctions Placed Against Gamma-Xi Chapter Denison University



Dear Brothers:

On behalf of the Supreme Executive Committee of Kappa Sigma Fraternity, lam writing this letter to inform you that the Supreme Executive Committee reviewed an investigative report submitted by District Grand Master Toby Taylor at their meeting held on April 20,2013 at Berkeley, California. This report outlined the findings of Brother Taylor in regard to alleged violations of the Gamma-Xi Chapter and members of the Gamma-Xi Chapter for hazing and for violation of the Code of Conduct for controlled substances by a member of the Chapter.


After reviewing the report of District Grand Master Toby Taylor, the Supreme Executive Committee determined that no violation occurred at the Chapter levelthat involved hazing. The Supreme Executive Committee has determined thatthe Chapterwas in violation of the Code of Conduct by allowing underage members and/or guests to consume alcohol at a Chapter social event. The Supreme Executive Committee also determined that individualaction would be taken against a member of the Chapter who violated the Code of Conduct for illegal substances and for creating a list that contained activities that were inappropriate for the pledges. lt is our understanding that the Chapter did not act upon this list in a manner that would be considered hazing, but the mere creation of the list has resulted in this requirement for individual discipline.

The Supreme Executive Committee has determined that the following actions will be taken against the Gamma-Xi Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity at Denison University:

  •                  The Chapter can resume operations in a normal fashion with the understanding that the outlined sanctions in this letter will be completed in a thorough fashion.


The Gamma-Xi Chapter is to take disciplinary action against the individual in the Chapter who violated the Code of Conduct for illegal substances and for developing a listing that involved inappropriate activities with pledges.The Gamma-Xi Chapter will be alcohol-free for a period of at least one-year. ln order for the Chapter to be returned to good standing, the Chapter must meet the minimum standards of a Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity which would include the following:

                   Scholarship: The Chapter must be above the All Men’s Average for Denison University.

                    A Greater Cause:The Chapter must achieve 25 hours per member and raise 25/member for philanthropy and community service events of the Chapter’s choice.

                  Ritual: The Chapter must be at least 50% Ritual Proficient before being allowed to be removed from sanctions.

                  Recruitment: The Chapter is expected to surpass its goals for all recruiting periods as established by the Kappa Sigma Fraternity.

                  The pledge educator for the Gamma-Xi Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity will be removed immediately. A new pledge educator will be appointed and must be approved by the Alumnus Advisor and District Grand Master before he is placed into office.

                  The Chapter will be required to develop a new Brothers ln Action/Pledge Education Program, which must be approved by the Alumnus Advisor and District Grand Master and submitted to the Kappa Sigma lnternational Headquarters.

                   In order to show the Chapter’s continued commitment to a hazing-free Chapter, the Chapter will be required to host a hazing workshop for the entire Denison University campus. This event will be sponsored by the Gamma-Xi Chapter.

  •                    The Gamma-Xi Chapter is placed under Trustee Status. While the Chapter is under Trustee Status, the Chapter must propose all activities for approval to the Trustee and complete the requirements of the Trustee Guidelines, which are attached. The Trustee that has been appointed for the Gamma-Xi Chapter is Brother Michael Palmer who will make regular visits to the Gamma-XiChapter in order to review the Chapter’s progress. I am also providing his contact information with this letter.
  1.                   The Chapter is fined 52,500, and the Chapter must pay the 52,500 within 90-days of the receipt of this letter of sanctions.


These sanctions are now in place and should the Brothers of Gamma-Xi Chapter have questions concerning these sanctions, please do not hesitate to contact District Grand Master Toby Taylor or you may contact me here at the lnternational Headquarters.


The Chapter should move forward immediately in making plans to complete these sanctions.



cc: Supreme Executive Committee

Jason S. Fuiman, Legal Commissioner

Brett B. Trembly, Deputy Legal Commissioner for Conduct & Standards

Christopher A. Cooley, Litigation Management Deputy Commissioner

Michae| M. PaImer, Trustee

Toby H. Taylor, District Grand Master-Ohio

Daniel Tierney, Assistant District Grand Master

Randy Robbins, Assistant District Grand Master

Matthew Charnas, Assistant District Grand Master

Kevin Amburgy, Assistant District Grand Master

f lliot J. Palmer, Alumnus Advisor

Douglas J. Kaiser, Assistant Alumnus Advisor/GP

David W. Horning, Assistant Alumnus Advisor

Kappa Sigma Directors

Cindy Deane, Accounts Payable

Lisa Moses, Accounts Receivable

Laurel Kennedy, Vice President Student Development

Greg Phlegar, Associate Dean –

Aimee Maczko, Associate Director, Campus Leadership & lnvolvement


Michael M. Palmer

10639 Quarrier Dr

Cornelius, NC 2803L-9339

C: (704) 765 4668